A new Ordinance for determining the requirements for accessibility and universal design of the elements of accessible environment in urbanized territories, buildings and facilities(1) entered into force on 13 March 2021, just a month after its promulgation. It repeals Ordinance No 4 of 1 July 2009(2) and was adopted pursuant to Article 53, para. 3 of the People with Disabilities Act (PDA) and in connection with Article 112, para. 4 and Article 169, para. 1, item 4 and para. 4 of the Territory Development Act (TDA).
The Ordinance determines the rules and minimum standards for accessibility and universal design of the elements of accessible environment in urbanized territories, buildings and facilities. The requirements are designated to assure accessible architectural environment for the whole population, taking into account the specific needs of people with reduced mobility, including people with disabilities.
1. the elaboration and amendment of detailed development plans of urbanized territories in compliance;
2. the implementation of public works and park development activities;
3. the design and construction of the elements of accessible environment in urbanized territories and in buildings and facilities, including independent public service sites in buildings and facilities, as well as of buildings and facilities located in land properties with mass access outside urbanized territories, to provide accessible environment to and within them (roadside gas stations, motels, campsites, etc.);
4. the execution of reconstruction, major renovation and repairs, change of purpose, extension and superstructure of the existing elements of accessible environment in urbanized territories and existing public service buildings and facilities, incl. independent public service sites in buildings and facilities;
5. the design and construction of access to the premises in spaces for common use and to the accessible workplaces in production buildings with production, which allows the provision of workplaces for people with disabilities;
6. the development of programmes, which determine measures, financial means and terms for bringing in compliance with the requirements for accessible environment;
7. the assessment of compliance of the investment projects with the requirements of the ordinance and with the basic requirement for "accessibility and safe operation" of construction projects”(3).
A supplement to the new ordinance (new §7) was promulgated on 18.05.2021, according to which it is allowed for investment projects developed in accordance with the repealed Ordinance № 4 of 01.07.2009 to be submitted for approval by the competent authority within 45 days from the entry into force of the supplement, whereas the provisions of the repealed ordinance will be applied in the approval procedures for the respective projects.
(1) Ordinance No RD-02-20-2 of January 26, 2021
(3) In accordance with Art. 169, para. 1, item 4 and i connection with Art. 142, para. 5, item 3 TDA